Using My Kitchen

So I've been feeling like I needed to use my kitchen lately, especially since my friend commented on how lovely my new kitchen is "but you don't even cook!". Bah. 

So I got cooking. Or baking.

#1 Chocolate Banana Moist Cake
I got this off a friend's website, Alan is a chef and he recorded every step of how to make those recipes on his site. Very helpful!

The cake turned out successful so much so that my colleague polished off the samples I brought to work the next day and decided to try out one of his recipes off his site too.


#2 Pancakes
Got this simple recipe off Karen Cheng's. She had yoghurt on hers (so healthy!) and I had my new tub of yoghurt waiting to be opened in the fridge so I dabbed some on top. Tastes... strange but palatable.

#3 Golden Syrup Scones
Now, I've never made scones before and since I had guests coming over last Sunday, I thought, hey, why not? I found this recipe that looked easy (plus it didn't have raisins!) so I gave it a try. It worked! Although I must say I was shocked at how sticky it was and how much flour I had to add to prevent it from sticking to my fingers/utensils since the method called for a "lightly floured surface".

My cookie cutter turned scone cutter was a bit too big so this recipe yielded only 5 pieces. Which means they were HUGE! Still, after distributing to about 9 people, they were all gone.

And of course, I attempted to bake a chicken meal for my two friends who came on Friday night. Since I've been actively baking cookies, cakes etc since shifting in, I completely forgot for meat you need to put the temperature a lot higher. After an hour and blood still oozed, I nuked the chicken in the microwave while the vegetables were half done.

After telling my parents of this disaster, and when I said I was going to experiment on the scones with another group of friends, Mum immediately asked me to buy a cake from the nearby cake shop. When I refused, she then fried some popiah for my friends and got Dad to send them over. They were well received! Aaah, the benefits of staying so close to parents!

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