Florence in 2 Days

A trip to Italy isn't complete without a visit to Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance. We left Pisa at about 4pm and arrived at about 6pm plus. However, since I'm not much of an art fan, most of the activities we did was merely to check off the bucket list. But I did take a lot of photos in Florence so bear with this post.

We visited 3 museums, the Bargello, the Accedemia (just to see David) and Uffizi in one day. There were two free walking tours which we wanted to do but ended up not doing since we wanted to just walk around on our own. On hindsight, I guess we could have learnt a lot more from a walking tour but we overdid it at the Uffizi by renting the audio guide and trying to listen to almost every numbered artifact.

The Uffizi had a great collection though. The painting I remembered most was The Birth of Venus and Primavera by Botticelli. Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to take photos inside so I don't have any.

Florence is packed with tourists and the old city is a rather small area. We covered the most of old city by foot by the first day including visits to the 3 museums, Duomo, Piazza della Signoria, crossing the river to see the Palazzo Pitti and walking on the Ponte Vecchio. The second day was spent shopping (requests from family and friends), climbing the Duomo, passing by Santa Croche and lazing at Piazza Michaelangelo.

So here's what we covered, in pictures. We went to see David (3 of him, in fact) but were not allowed to take photos of the original one in the Accedemia. At the Accedemia, we went straight to see David and sat for a good 5-10 minutes each on his left, back, right and front while trying to absorb this Renaissance icon. He was the main reason why I insisted we visited Florence because one does not simply go to Italy and not see David, amirite?
In front of the Palazzo Vecchio
Here he is again at the Piazza Michaelangelo
While we were at the Piazza Michaelangelo, I spotted this at the base of the statue:
An intrusion of cockroaches trying to squeeze a bit of biscuit into the cracks. I didn't stay long enough to watch them succeed.
We walked around the leather markets and also visited the food market:
I was very tempted to bring back a whole leg of ham but didn't think the Malaysia Airport Customs would appreciate scanning it.
All sorts of bread 
Cheeeeese, Gromit!
Dry goods
Cute pig deco
Of course we visited the Duomo which took me some time to appreciate it. I initially found it a bit gaudy, too busy in design but it's uniqueness eventually won me over. We decided to climb the Duomo instead of the bell tower. If you're claustrophobic, I'd advice against it as the stairs were narrow plus there were people trying to come down the same way we were coming up.

The fins at the top of the Duomo
Climbing up the Duomo via narrow and steep paths
Cyclists everywhere in Florence. My first attempt at a panning shot!

Of course we crossed the Ponte Vecchio but took these shots from Ponte Santa Trinita. The Arno River was so still that day. Loved the view that day.
Ponte A. Vespucci and the buildings alongside the Arno
Ponte Vecchio
As mentioned, we visited the Uffizi where we listened to almost everything on the audio guide.


We also visited the Palazzo Vecchio and took shade from rain but we didn't explore within. Didn't know Dante's death mask was placed here.

We were told not to miss the sunset at the Piazza Michaelangelo. So we waited along with a whole bunch of tourists. They came equipped with high end camera gears.

I was expecting the setting sun to cast its warm glow onto the entire Florence rooftops but instead, the sun dipped between some mountains.

The Church of Santa Croche was so bright and outstanding from the top of the Duomo that we had to make our way there to see its façade.
Stopped by Church of Santa Croche where Michaelangelo was buried but we didn't go in.
What else is famous in Florence? My colleague recommended to try the bistecca fiorentina and I was shocked when the restaurant wanted to serve me 1kg of it! I managed to get them to halve it so here's my 500g. I now truly appreciate rare steak because it simply melts in the mouth! This one that I had only had a tiny bit which was rare while the rest was a bit too well done for me.

My 500g T-bone steak!

Okay, enough of the touristy stuff of Florence, I actually was very amused at reading the road signs in Florence. These add-ons are stickers and they're so cute! I wish I could buy the stickers and start sticking them back here in Malaysia!

Prior to reading Dan Brown's Inferno, I never really read much about the Medici family or Florence history. Now that I know just a surface of it, I would definitely do the walking tours if I were to do Florence again. Like I would have taken notice of the secret passage on top of the Ponte Vecchio. Can't believe I missed that! Or stepped into the Duomo's Baptistry. Ah, the list could go on.

Our final stop was Venice. Coming up next.

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