Post CNY 2011 Pictures

I realized I haven't posted up my Chinese New Year photos! How very remiss! Anyway, here goes. The day before the eve of CNY, my Dad's side will hold the reunion dinners so that married folks like me and another cousin would be able to gather together and meet everyone.

View from my grandparents balcony in Bukit Bintang

When we arrive, we usually hang around for a bit while the ladies are toiling in the kitchen. I'll usually pop into my grandparents balcony which overlooks a park, now the Arab Park or whatever it's called now. I used to play firecrackers on that field decades ago.

The source of good food

Again and again, I am amazed at my auntie who would be able to cook up a storm in this tiny kitchen. Her daughters would take turns to assist her but she usually single-handedly does everything.

This year, my Mum prepared some lo sang, which is a first for us as we've never had it for our reunion dinners.

Here's us, preparing the two large trays of Io sang

And here are the men, pretending to look busy.
Because of the sheer size of the crowd and despite having two tables, we usually have to wait two rounds for a seat to be vacant. See the amount of food? 

The Adult Table
The ah, Kid's Table

The next day, KS and I would head back to Melaka for the reunion dinner with his parents.

This year, we had his uncle and cousin from Sydney visit and celebrate CNY with us. Again, see the amount of food? 

Our annual family photo. Sorry, had to crop fat arms off hence the odd size.

This is us before we head off to Masjid Tanah for the gathering of my father-in-law's family on the first day of CNY.

Since KS's uncle hasn't been back in a while for CNY, he created a new tradition of getting those who wanted their ang pow to line up and greet him, making it a fun affair. It was also his birthday so I baked him a cake, not knowing it would be brought there for sharing with the whole kampung!

Father & Son and a heavily decorated butter cake
1st Generation: Some of my Dad-in-law's siblings and spouses. I believe he has 10 siblings (!) but some have passed on.
2nd Generation: SOME of KS cousins.

 Hmm... I didn't take a photo of the 3rd Generation.

Anyway, on the second day of CNY, the neighbours had a dragon dance. Yup. Not the normal lion dance.

Dragon in action

The 2nd day is also when my in-laws have their open house where there's more food. And people wonder why I don't take photos of myself. Coz I'm FAT lah after all that food!

So, that's my CNY 2011 in pictures.

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